Sunday, March 21, 2010

Silver Lining Presents....My Holga!

Due to recent damage to my shutter blades on the Nikon D40 I have been  forced to seek visual life outside of the digital world. To my surprise it has not been as challenging as I had previously suspected and if anything it has only further developed my sense of perspective. I am sure that is what they all say...

To my luck I had purchased a Holga earlier in the year but because of my extreme intimidation, there it sat collecting useless dust and more attitude. (If you do not know this already, the Holga is known for its unpredictable mood swings ie. light leaks, cheap plastic and endless modification opportunities). So as I was saying, due to this digital demise I thought it necessary to keep my creativity alive and photographic imagination reeling; the Holga provided a new relm of discovery. It was time.

It has now been four long days since I dropped off my 120 film to be processed and there will be four long more to wait. Truth be told, while the element of surprise is invigorating, it I imagine, is also endless. There really is no telling what your Holga is capable of from day to day. It is temperamental just like my emotions; So perhaps it really is a match made in heaven!

Here is an excellent website to get you started if you are interested in joining the fantastic Holga frenzy. I refer to this constantly as it has some wonderful tutorials and modification techniques.

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